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Rainbow Promise

About Us
We welcome girls from 4 to 7 years old for play, learning and tons of fun in a fun, safe space.

Rainbows not only play games but explore different pastimes and hobbies, whilst earning badges the same as their older guiding sisters
Contact us now to ask how your daughter
can join in our next adventure.



Play is one of the main ways in which children learn and develop. It helps to build self-worth by giving a child a sense of his or her own abilities and to feel good about themselves.


At Rainbows, because it’s fun, children often become very absorbed in what they are doing.


At Rainbows, girls also develop their social skills in a warm environment where bullying is not tolerated.


Fun games and messy play are the order of the day.

A Cat

Rainbows visiting Cadburys World,  watch how chocolate is made smooth

Rainbow guide painting

Messy Play


Out Doors

Visit from Guide Dogs for the Blind


Animal Farm
Children's Race
Bird in Winter
Close Up Owl
Girls Talking


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